Saturday 21 December 2013

Winter Solstice

In Norway they say the sun "turns" today, which is a rather charming way of putting it though it is of course inaccurate astronomically; it's the angle of elevation of the Earth that changes relative to the sun. But it is nonetheless a significant "turn" for our calender –now the days will slowly, slowly start to get longer and lighter again, and in the midst of this very dark winter that is cause for celebration. I think it is so easy to take the sun for granted, but let's face it: without it we would not be here. One thought that often strikes me when I gaze on sunrises or sunsets (such as this one) is that this same sun has been present in everyone's lives –everyone in history. Whereas the world and our lives may change, the sun has always been a constant, and its beams or rays have shone down on everyone who has ever lived, been the illuminator of every day, -and every drama, battle, picnic, sea voyage, wedding, summer holiday or funeral. Along with the distant stars it really is the only thing we can say is common to us all –man, beast, bird, plant, world. I look forward to hotter days, pale morning-sunshine bursting into glorious splendour, and to all the joys of spring and summer that as of this evening now are a little closer once again. I think perhaps this picture captures some of that sentiment –the golden orb of a December sun setting and almost snuggling between the two small towers of a Norfolk church. Happy Winter Solstice everyone! Location: Great Yarmouth, England

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