Friday 30 October 2015

On Deck

There’s something theatrical about this shot; it could be the cast of a play placed on the deck for a poster, or group of musicians posing for an album cover. It seems staged, but it is quite accidental, just a snapshot I took while taking the ferry between Denmark and Germany, but I was quite struck by the result. It’s windy and the sea and sky is grey, but the blue of the deck compensates for this. However, it is the bright splashes of colour and the stances of the people that make this picture for me. They are all heading somewhere, with various expectations and I feel it is almost as if one can read their thoughts. Location: Near Puttgarden, Germany

Sunday 25 October 2015

Early Morning in Greece

Morning sunlight is very special and unique. I also find it very exciting –every moment is filled with transformation and there is something renewing and expectant about the gradual brightening and warming of a cool landscape. Soon after the heat will be intense, but at such an early hour it is very gentle. Og course, part of the magic of very early morning is that it is so quiet –people have not yet got up, there are no noisy motorbikes or loudspeakers, just the occasional cry of a bird and the gentle lapping of the water at the quayside. The air is fresh and vibrant and Greece, at such a moment, is calm. Location: Pythagorian -Samos, Greece

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Autumn in Oslo

Due to some computer and network problems it's been some time since I posted, and in the interim autumn has descended and is creating glorious colours all around. This is from the park behind the royal palace in Oslo. Fortunately the pond has not been drained yet, so I was able to capture the reflection of the golden tree in the water. Some of the trees remain stubbornly "summery" and the grass is still green, but soon all this will change again, and who knows - my next picture from here may be of snow. In the meantime, let's enjoy the mellow beauty of autumn. Location: Oslo, Norway