Saturday 16 January 2016

Underpass 5.25pm

One day last year the band of my wristwatch broke suddenly. It could, I’m sure, be fixed and one day I shall get round to it, but since that day I have not worn a watch at all but relied on other means of learning the time. And it is amazing how accomodating the world is to the "watchless" among us! Everywhere I look now I seem to spot a clock of some kind, whereas before (when I had my own watch) I hardly gave them a second glance. We observe only what we need to so much of the time, or rather: when we need something we start to see it all around us, as if our brain is actively seeking it out. With photography it is the right or appealing motive that we seek. Here, I think it was the clock that initially attracted me, but I then became fascinated by the light and shadows and the reflections and lines I also was intrigued with the position of the clock –at the end of an underpass; a sort of goal for those walking towards it, or a last, quick reminder of the time for those entering from the opposite direction; perhaps an incentive to hurry up? I also found the urban orderliness pictured here rather pleasing. Location: Nuremberg, Germany

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