Wednesday 5 March 2014

Window of Wonder

I love books. Simply love them. A library or a bookshop fills me not just with excitement, but with a very profound sense of curiosity and wonder that borders on the manic –partly because I realize that no matter how long I live, I will never be able to read all the books in front of me. So there's a bit of desperation there too, because with books –as with life itself– we're forced to make choices, from many possibilities that may appear equally appealing. Then one comes across windows like this one in Putney, and the excitement builds up to fever pitch, because the very display of books becomes a work in its own right –one that fires both my love of books and my photographer's energy. There is both chaos and order, and what I particularly like is the way the books are not just displayed conventionally, as in a shelf, all vertical, but are piled horizontally too. The colours, lines and the sheer number of books also create an unforgettable and exciting image. It is as if the books are pressing against the glass, bursting to be purchased and read, but also admired. Bliss! And long live books! Location: London, England

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