Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Through a Window

This phone box in London caught my attention because of its missing pane, through which the wet street, with busses, traffic and lights, revealed itself cinematically, in wide-screen. The image is in monochrome, but the colour version is almost as washed out due to the damp windows and white lights. My own favorite of the pictures I have taken so far this year.

Location: London, England

Monday, 25 February 2013

Organic Roof

I was so impressed when I passed through London's newly refurbished King's Cross station recently, and snapped this picture of the magnificently organic roof, or ceiling. I love curved interiors and here the new is blended with the old -brave but not overpowering. The lighting was magical and I felt a great sense of excitement at being in such a vibrant place –an echo of how the former great train station buildings of London must have been when they were first built.

Location: London, England

Friday, 22 February 2013

Shoes I Can't Quite Bear to Discard...Yet!

I think of all clothes, shoes, along perhaps with jackets, are the ones that become most like old friends. Obviously this pair has seen better days, but I am loathe to part with them even though I have a dozen other pairs, some quite similar to these. One doesn't discard friends just because they are old or worn out, after all! However, I see that these are beyond repair or vintage or even practical use, and so a photograph of them so that here at least they will survive!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Early Evening

The sun is just going down, bathing the brick facade of a Norfolk musuem with golden light. It was a pity that the lamp had not yet been turned on, but the reflection of the light on the panel gives a magical illumination to this narrow alley. I also like the way the white walls of the building behind seem blue and peach here.

Location: Great Yarmouth, England

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Train Stop in Tennessee

The sleek, silver side of "The City of New Orleans" the Superliner that rolls between Louisiana and Chicago, caught here in evening sun in Tennessee during a short stop for smoking and stretching of legs. The windows are those of little bedrooms, and nothing I know beats an overnight journey on a train for coziness, wonder and a sense of adventure. The telephone lines here complement in an understated way the lines on the train, and the solitary figure on the platform –the guard? indicates that the train will soon depart.

Location: Memphis, Tennessee

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Singin' in the Rain

The Palace Theatre, London on a wet evening. The show has started –Singin' in the Rain– and outside, the wet paving stones reflect the colourful theatre lights as a couple, huddled under one umbrella, scurry across -I wonder if they are singin'?

Location: London, England