Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Chic Loo

South Beach is rightly famous for its art deco hotel facades. But the style extends to such otherwise mundane features as public toilets, or restrooms- I liked the symmetry, broken by the tree and the bin, and of course the lighting.

Location: Miami Beach, USA

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Keyboard Steps

So many people pass through London's Underground system that the steps need to be reinforced with metal treads so as not to wear away. But they give the impression of a stack of keyboards -or maybe it's just the way my eyes see them!

Location: London, England

Sunday, 28 October 2012


Late evening. After a rain shower. Red lights of barriers reflected in the pools of water and on the wet pavements. Horizontal and vertical lines. Some nice effects created by the combination of all these things.

Location: Oslo, Norway

Friday, 26 October 2012

Street Scene

Another monochrome photograph inspired by the Andreas Feininger portraits of Chicago in 1941. Taken many years later, of course.

Location: Chicago, USA

Thursday, 25 October 2012

E.T. Cactus

I love cacti, but mine are pretty tiny compared to this one that I came across in California. In the evening sun it cast a shadow against the wall that looks rather like the head of a praying mantis ...or E.T.

Location: San Diego, USA

Fishing Boats and Nets on Kent Beach

Mid-morning on a Kent beach with the English channel in the background. The lobster-pots are piled up ready for the next day. I liked all the colours -painted boats, covers, pebbles, buoys- and always seem to smell the sea air when I look at this picture.

Location: Deal, England

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Hungerford Bridge

Hungerford Bridge's marvellous walkway across the River Thames on a surprisingly warm autumn early-evening. Most people take pictures from the bridge, but I was just as fascinated by the lines of the supports against the sky.

Location: London, England

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Mountain Pool

Autumn in the mountains. Blue sky reflected in a beautiful mountain pool, creating an almost bridge-like effect. Colours, light, calm.

Location: Valdres, Norway

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Family of Mailboxes

Street furniture always fascinates me –and in many ways epitomises a country's identity. The American mailbox is a unique icon -familiar, heartening and quite cute. And here in Georgia I found a whole family of them!

Location: Charleston, USA

Monday, 15 October 2012


Soho is a pretty tame place these days, but the alleys and streets are fertile ground for photography. Here it is surprisingly empty, so the textures of the buildings and alley are more in focus. And once again black and white seems to work best.

Location: London, England

Thursday, 11 October 2012


Smoke billowing from one of the chimneys of Le Château Frontenac. I liked the play of light and contrasts and it seemed to work particularly well in black and white. And if you've ever seen Hitchcock's film I Confess you'll perhaps recognise the nod to the master's work at this location!

Location: Quebec, Canada

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Paperbacks on Display

Used paperbacks for sale at London's South Bank, and the late afternoon just bouncing off their well-worn colourful spines. Very simple, but somehow beautiful.

Location: London, England