Saturday, 31 December 2011

Autumn and Winter

A sudden, momentous night of snow in upstate New York in early October, with autumn (or fall) still in the height of colour. Because of all the snow the train I was got stuck, and this was the rather nice view from my window. I love the combination of two seasons.

Location: Schenectady, New York, USA

Friday, 30 December 2011

Bus Stop

Passing this bus stop in Prague I was attracted by the colours, especially the reds. I was also fascinated that everybody seemed to be waiting in different ways and looking in different directions. There seem to be many stories here, but the focal point is the old lady looking into her basket. Was she pleased with her shopping that day, I wonder?

Location: Prague, Czech Republic

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Under the Loop

I was very inspired by a book of Andreas Feininger's 1941 photographs of Chicago, and when I visited the city I was excited to be able to still see and capture something of the poetry of those wonderful images myself -in fabulous black and white of course.Location: Chicago, USA

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Posts with Hats

I love street furniture. These posts in a Berlin street go about their business like pedestrians, while a procession of them is filing up behind, like very tall, thin men. The tops of the posts remind me of hats. Location: Berlin, Germany


Old, deserted railway stations –I find them fascinating, and signals against a moody sky create a great contrast, with the yellow spot almost substituting for a sun. Location: Norfolk, England

Post shared

My first post here. Two letter boxes in the City of London, one new old old. They seem to be pals, having a chat, observing the world -perhaps there's a romantic connection?

Location: London, England